Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ultimate Reset Day 9

Today was by far my most difficult day.. not food wise but just how I felt. My energy level was still high and I felt great but I had this dull headache from right after I got up that lasted throughout the day. It would come and go. It seemed like every time I drank some water and ate it would subside for a few minutes. I tried drinking more water because I am not sure why I got it in the first place. I have heard from other people doing the reset that they had headaches in the first few days - mostly from caffeine withdrawal - but this was not an issue for me as I only had caffeinated beverages every once in a great while. I am not sure if the headache was due to the detoxing my body is going through or just not enough water. It got really bad around dinner time - so much so that I was nauseated and could not eat. I ended up giving in and taking a couple of ibuprofen because I have a 6 month old I have to take care of and she doesn't care if I have a headache or not! It did let up after taking the ibuprofen. It let up enough for me to finish at least the asparagus portion of dinner.

The food today was again good.. new things I had never tried were on the menu. For breakfast I had a fresh fruit plate. Right now there are some awesome raspberries and blackberries to be found. I could eat fruit all day! Lunch was a microgreen salad with creamy garlic dressing (are you as tired of hearing that as I am typing it??) and pinto beans and rice (leftovers from last nights dinner). Dinner was a Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Bisque and roasted asparagus. The bisque was quite good and something I have never tried or attempted to make for that matter. It was surprisingly easy and good! 

As of this morning I am down 12.2 lbs. I am just a few short pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! I am excited to jump back into Les Mills PUMP when this is over and see what results I get from it. 
 Besides the headache today my experience so far has been more than I could ask for. Unless you do it yourself there is no way I can express to you how I am feeling - both physically and mentally. I hear from other participants that this week a lot goes on (mentally) and I am looking forward to it. 

Now that I have gotten through all the sunshine and roses I have to address something. I get asked a LOT for help. People wanting to lose weight or just get healthier in general. When I give advice all I get in return are excuses. This is how I feel about that..
The headache is just a bump in the road and a temporary one at that. Anything worth doing isn't easy though so I am not going to sugar coat it and say that this is for everyone and its super simple and easy to do. Not everyone would be able to accomplish it. Do I feel like everyone could benefit from a "reset"? YES! I think that we have abused our bodies so much and we take for granted what it does for us. We fill it full of garbage and just expect it to keep chugging along at 100% and we get mad when we get sick or don't feel good. We are lucky that our body can run so efficient given the fuel that majority of Americans give it! Our food is over processed and full of junk and we don't think twice about eating it or giving it to our kids. Therein lies a HUGE problem and cause of death of Americans - OBESITY! I have friends coming to me all day telling me they want to lose weight and want my help. When I try to give them the solution all I hear is excuse after excuse from "I don't have time" to "I can't afford it". Can you afford to be sick? Dead? When it comes to your health I believe that is one thing we should NEVER put a price tag on. We can either pay for it now (by way of healthy foods) or later (in medical bills and hospital stays). All I know is that I have a daughter who is counting on me to be there for her through her life. I can not afford to be sick and unhealthy. I want to be able to play with her and be there for her. I don't want to have to explain to her when she gets old enough that my choices I made when I was younger - and they are that CHOICES - we all have them and we all make them-  that I decided that a new toy (anyone who knows me knows I am an Apple fanatic) or going out to eat were more important than taking care of myself and being in her life. There are so many things we waste money on. At first when I looked at the price of the reset I thought "Woah.. not sure I can do that". Then I watched what it was about and did some research on it. I decided then and there that I could not afford NOT to do it! If the reset is not for you there are other things you can do. Not sure where to start? Shoot me a message and we will get you on track! When are we going to stop telling ourselves that we don't deserve to be healthy? That we don't deserve to be taken care of? That is exactly what you do when you tell yourself you can't afford something that is going to make you a better, healthier person. Not just in the context of the reset but anything - going to the gym, working out at home, taking supplements if needed. We need to get back to making ourselves the #1 priority so we can be better sisters, mothers, daughters, etc. If you aren't going to take care of yourself nobody is. It is YOUR responsibility. Either do it or don't. I can't make you, your mother can't make you and your father can't make you. Either step up and do it or don't complain about it. 

Until tomorrow...

~ Karen


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