My journey started back in 2010 when my husband saw the P90X infomercial. We decided together that we needed to do something. We had both started packing on the pounds after our wedding and were feeling tired and just didn't have energy anymore. Little did I know that purchase was going to change my life forever...
I spent a good majority of my teens and early 20s in a deep depression. Looking back now it makes me really sad to think of all of the time I wasted and the hurt I put my family and friend through. I will never get that time back. Luckily for me I have mended those relationships and completely changed my entire life.
A few weeks after starting P90X and Shakeology something started to shift. I noticed that I was losing weight and was having more good days than bad ones. I was introduced to the coaching opportunity not long after and decided to share my story. P90X was the reason for the changes on the outside but the inner shift that was happening was all due to the Team Beachbody Coaching Network - my new "family" and friends. They always tell you that you are the sum of the 5 closest people to you and I have to agree. You can't be hanging around negative people all of the time and expect to live a positive life. I was introduced to the concept of personal development - a concept that has been one of the main factors in me winning the battle over my depression. P90X for me isn't just a workout program. Shakeology for me isn't just another run of the mill protein or weight loss shake. Coaching for me is not just another MLM or what some people like to refer to as a "pyramid scheme". Coaching is a way of life. Coaching is a way for me to get my story out there - let other people know that they aren't alone. When I decided to take that plunge and sign up as a coach (and maybe I should say take that baby step because honestly a "plunge" or life change should cost a lot more than a $39.95 sign up fee) I instantly gained one of the biggest support groups ever. These people are my friends, my "family" and my biggest supporters.
Since I feel like I owe so much to this "job" and what it has given me I have decided to pay it forward. One of my lucky clients will be the proud owner of the new P90X3 when it debuts in December. P90X changed my life and now I am paying it forward.
Now you may be asking yourself what you have to do to get your name in the hat... This contest isn't just for anyone. I do not want to gift this program to someone just to let it collect dust on the shelf. I want to know that the person who receives it is committed and willing to put in the work to change their lifestyle. So, are you committed and ready to take on the challenge? If so, send me an email at for all the details. Limited time offer. Contest ends on Oct 31st, 2013.
** Looking for a program to do in the meantime before the big release? This month only P90X and P90X2 Challenge Packs are on sale. You will get the program, a 30 day supply of Shakeology, a 30 day trial club membership, free shipping and me as your free coach to personally help you through the program to ensure you reach your goals. You can order your challenge pack HERE Not sure which workout program would be best for you? Send me an email and we can chat and figure out which one would best fit your personality and lifestyle.
Let's start working on your "after" today!